I am of the opinion that absent a significant technological breakthrough on the part of the Germans, this would not have changed the outcome of the war. Yes it might have lengthen the war by allowing the Germans more time for fortifications. But Russia would have come after Hitler and ground down and pinned down his divisions on the eastern front. Once you pick a fight with a bear, the fight aint over till the bear says it is.
Now had Hitler not invaded Russia, that could have been an entirely different story.
Too bad for him all those evil Jewish atomic physicists left Germany...
If you know how close Hitler came to beating us to the atomic age, you might change your opinion. There was a long shot covert op that detroyed Hitlers' hard water plant - but given more time, and more resources to guard his flank, that op would not have happened, and it's very likely that Hitler would have won the atomic race - just like he won the jet race. Had his fighter jet had another 1-2 years of competitive warfare - the battle of Britain and so on might have been reversed.
I don't think he could have not invaded Russia. The need to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism" (and "Jewish Anglo-American capitalism," for that matter) was integral to his worldview.