Doesn’t the weather service issue the male/female names alternately?
Please say this is satire!
I would have expected the opposite. If a girl like Katrina comes to your town in a bad mood, everybody ducks right away. Larry or Phil...not so much. :)
You have to wonder if people are just generally stupid?
Hurricanes were earlier named as females, but the weather people were persuaded to go with an alternating sexual (gender) identity in order to undercut the supposed implication that females were temperamental and possibly fearsome. Very well. Now they are complaining that the female-named hurricanes are being perceived as more docile, and it is really the ones with male names that scare people. So which is it?
These are the same people who think that they should be in charge of the thermostat for the planet.
Expect a demand from feminists that hurricanes only be given male names. Nah, that would be sexist, too. Maybe gender neutral names. Or a, b, c, d, etc. Or 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
It only makes sense that a boy hurricane would be more violent than a girl hurricane.
This is a sign of a collective psychosis. In other words, significant numbers of people in this country are sick in the head.
1. The person who wrote that article.
2. The people who read the article and said “yes, you know that’s right”
If male-named hurricanes had “caused” more deaths, then they would have said that men are brutes, agressive, rapists, etc etc.
Why is everything symbolic in this country? Why is everything that happens taken as a symbol of a greater, all-encompassing reality?
A crazy a$$hole murders women and it’s a symbol of men oppressing women, violence against women, etc.
A old codger with Alzheimers says he doesn’t like Blacks, and it’s a symbol of Whites oppressing Blacks, and all Whites are racist, etc.
A store clerk suggests an alternate product to an American TV personality, and it’s a symbol of discrimination against Blacks, etc.
The reason for this phenominon is that only fairly recently have hurricanes alternated with male and female names. Past hurricanes were deadlier due to primitive weather prediction technology and weaker structures. Oh, and there's the fact that we've been going through a quiet time for Atlantic hurricanes, but we can't admit that because it is contrary to global warming dogma.