Sure, what could be more “damaging” to the Taliban than a reunified leadership, right? Not even the BBC can put a positive-sounding spin on this one.
Soldiers now claiming they were ordered to shoot Begdahl on sight when it became obvious he was a collaborator.
That's pretty funny.
If ... IF!? Ha! There is no-doubt these 5 will rejoin the fighting. You think the Taliban will just let them retire and go back to herding goats? That would be a PR/recruiting/status nightmare for the Taliban. "Look, your former leaders after spending time with the hated Americans have chosen peace..." Yeah, sure, the Taliban would let that message get out.
Willingly or not these 5 are going to go back to the business of killing Americans. If they don't, the Taliban will kill them as an example. They are not going to retire, they are not going to be good-will ambassadors or any other such BS. Anyone who believes that is living in fantasy land without a lick of common sense. Nice going bammy, how many American lives will this little stunt ultimately cost? Ah, forget I asked, I know you don't give a {expletive} damn... Care and concern for the best interests of American and American citizens doesn't even crack your top ten.
Almost seems like Obama’s got a soft spot for the Taliban, eh?