the country is blind, willing to accept change because they dont know how fortunate they are,and on top of all the deception and lies, the truth is Obamma is an enemy in the white house..
What has happened to our nation.
In my opinion, we turned from God and simultaneously stopped paying attention to the training of our children.
It was a matter of time.
Two times in the Old Testament, the Apostle Paul addresses conduct similar to what the people of the United States are engaged today. Each time he ended with God's response to said conduct. In the Book of Romans, he wrote that God gave them over to a reprobate mind and the book of 2nd Thessalonians he wrote that He[God] sent a deluding spirit that those who refused to believe the Truth would believe a lie, and be damned.
That I believe is where we stand today. He has kept a remnant for Himself, but the majority will damn themselves.
Others may believe different and that is their right and privilege.
Today, we have the Right to worship according to the dictates of our own consciouses, we may not to be able to tomorrow, but we can today.
You asked "What has happened to our Nation?" In my opinion, we as a Nation, have turned our back on God and in return, He has turned His back on our Nation.
We have abandoned God thinking Libertarianism is Conservative, meanwhile our enemy has been busily recruiting dependent voters and creating new ones from illegals.