Understand this, Obama has improved his personal Net worth, by only a few million dollars in the White House. He is setting himself up, for the billion dollar paychecks after he leaves office. Clinton did it, with a rash of pardons and deals in the last months of his Criminal presidency. Obama will do it too, but he is getting the pay off from the Jihadists in Qatar. Nobody has even asked the question yet: Why Qatar?
Remember, we are dealing with DEMOCRATS, who, with impunity, and in broad daylight, will sell missile secrets to the Chinese, for campaign donations. They regularly shake down every substantial industry in America, for protection money. Democrats hide behind class warfare, as they enrich themselves and their cronies.
Why Qatar ... maybe there are some answers in this link ... http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/f2d9bbc8-bdbc-11e2-890a-00144feab7de.html