Got caught sleeping...There aren’t any of us who’ve been in the military who don’t realize that if you nod off you NEED to be gob-smacked. There are times you just can’t do that.
Even when driving down the road as a civilian here at home, if you start to nod, you want your wife or kid or someone to get direct and force you to pull over a switch drivers. It’s too dangerous a situation for you to be nodding off.
Sleeping on watch in a war theater is I believe a capital offense. It risks the lives of other soldiers. I believe if sleeping on watch is proven to lead to the deaths of other soldiers, then death by firing squad is the likely outcome. Bergdahl’s punishment was relatively light.
Sleeping on guard??!! THAT’S a contradiction in terms AND a hanging offense.
Wow, if he was MY comrad in arms I’D want him OUT too!