Now the purple-lipped liar will try to quell criticism of this unbelievably evildeal by imploring those who care for our military to give this poor hero time to heal. And, of course, the Obamedia will be the first ones on the compassion bandwagon.
Call your Congressman and Senators. tell them you consider this an act of treason against the US and the President has now endangered all of America with another 9/11 attack by releasing these dangerous criminals.
Tell them you expect them to uphold their oath to the Constitution.
The President must be impeached and removed from office for this treacherous act. That is the remedy under the constitution.
My reps are all Dems, but they heard from me this morning.
If you do nothing, nothing will change.
From now on until his stink departs the White House I will refer to him as “The Clown”.
... This President has now .... not only become a threat to the Constitution and to this country ... but he has now become a dangerous threat to the lives of her citizens. This person who is comically referred to at times by many on this site and others as "Our Dear Leader" has passed the point of being a bad President and is now a Threat to the lives of both this country and it's people. There is no longer anything remotely humorous about this. This situation needs to be forced into a solution. before it arrives at a Socialist Event Horizon where true freedom will cease to exist.
.... He needs to go .... and soon! This country cannot survive any more of these despicable foray's into Unconstitutional Territories. She cannot survive if he remains in office.
when was the last time he used period/full stop. Oh thats right, obamacare
If Bergdahl were the biggest hero in American military history 0bama still committed high treason by letting the five highest level terrorists in custody go.
Give me a f***ing break!
On the bright side, you can’t hunt and kill terrorists when they are rotting away in a tax payer funded prison. I know it’s not much of a consolation but I gotta look for the positives in a world so full of chaos.
Bergdahl should be Court Martialed and tried for murder of the fellow soldiers who lost their life searching for this traitorous scum. Obama should be arrested for putting servicemen and women in harms way and targets of abduction by terrorist scum.
Ya can’t fix stoopid.