Am hoping Chris McDaniel wins tomorrow evening. It would be a great vicotry not only for MS....but....all of the American nation
In fact.....I am urging all voters in MS, regardless of political vote for Chris McDaniel enmasse!!! Thta’s also a ditto for the rest of the primary states tomorrow. POTUS Obama and the Democrat Party need to be totally destroyed, politically after this dark, dirty, backroom Obama deal called a prisoner swap!!
Obama should be immediately impeached....why? Benghazi, the traitor/turncoat, Bergdahl, and the abandonment of an innocent marine lanquishing and rotting in a Mexican jail!!! I could go on with many other actions, all planned to weaken the USA....across the board.
If the republicans take the senate, we have to INSIST that the house impeach Obama.
There are a multitude of legally valid reasons to do so.
He is blatantly destroying the USA as much as he can, he needs to be STOPPED!
I actually wish I lived there just so I could vote for Chris. Such an important race.
If Stennis and Eastland could come out of the grave, they too would endorse Thad to show their “bipartisanship”.