Wear it with pride. Both the terms "Christian" and 'Puritan" were initially derogatory and insulting terms, intended to shame. They became the very monikers to depict the very principles by which they lived and became known by.
Wear the intended badge of shame with pride in your principles. They are being flung by those without, or whose principles are limited to whatever is politically expedient.
Oh I do! I also take immense pleasure in seeing the situational ethicists work themselves into a screaming fit of frustrated anger when they cannot reply honestly without gutting their own argument to questions like:
“Since the opposite of purity is corruption, how is it that I who wants more purity am the problem? For that to be true, ‘corruption’ would have to be good/desirable and purity bad/wrong. So are you arguing that we should work toward corruption in order to win? What do you win by electing a more corrupt politician that by nature you cannot trust? How does that square with any known conservative value or position? Why do you complain about Republicans siding with and acting like liberal democrats when you advocate electing exactly the Republicans with track records of siding with and acting like Democrats?”
Because ultimately any of these abject morons arguing for lesser evils and “No matter what” voting for GOP candidates is in fact saying that we have to move away from the conservative good in order to win. And that is exactly the position taken by any liberal that tries to restrict or eliminate religion, free speech, gun rights, tries to mainstream abortion, homosexuality ect.
They scream bloody murder denying it but it is a simple fact that one does not move right by moving left.
Ultimately what we have on the right is a bunch of closet case moderates at best that demand to sit at the table of conservatism while believing little to none of it. Why? Good question. I imagine some have a very ‘do as I say” mentality which is shown in their childlike fits when things go against them. The tantrums and such. For others I think it’s just a case of wanting their cake and eating it too. Regardless of their actual age, they have a participation trophy that leads them to believe that reality shifts to accommodate their ego/wants/desires. Then of course there are the shills/plants and anyone that thinks every right wing website out there isn’t filled with them isn’t paying attention. Such people have been used by political parties since political parties came into existence. The internet is just the modern version of the local park, pub or women’s social circle.