I don't believe for a moment that a pope is naive...The Palestinians, the children of Esau and Ishmael are not the people of God and for a pope to pretend that the muzlims want peace with Israel is a false dogma by a false religious leader...
There are Palestinian Christians.....just shy of 10% of total Mandate territory population prior to 1948 war and the aftermath when many left or were dispersed
Are they curs too?
Edomites etc?
Like the muzzies...
Just saying its not as clean and simple as Freepers pine for
As for the Pope I am convinced he’s a liberal humanist sort but some Catholics here will never admit it no matter what he says
I think the Vatican recognized their growth sector is minorities and sees how minorities worldwide vote.....for progressive politics
And the Cardinals picked a Pope to appeal to that potential for members
Two doctrinaire popes were enough to them.....in fact I’m not certain Benedicts retirement was his idea alone
This Pope is not by chance.