Or maybe the President of the NRA should have these figures at his disposal to answer the critics’ attacks. - When guns are OUTLAWED only OUTLAWS will have guns; and does any sane person doubt that OUTLAWS will continue as they always have? - I come from a culture that has always bore arms, to hunt, for an equalizer when protection is needed; and the current Pantywaist President can just stuff it. In WWII, my Daddy shot Germans in combat; he didn’t have to practice his aim much in basic training as he was already a crack shot. - If the people of this country let the current PP and Nancy Pelosi disarm them; they are skating on very thin ice. PP and minions, as usual, have it bass ackwards.
I’m sure LaPierre has a statement ready-to-go on this shooting, knifing, homicide by auto
Problem is, the media won’t go running to the NRA for a comment.
Our military succeeded as well as it did in the past because:
1. Our young people were rural and familiar with the outdoors
2. they could shoot, as a matter of course, usually
3. they were in good physical condition
Except for a very small minority, the younger generation are:
1. afraid of reality and escape into fantasy
2. so out of shape as to break a sweat reaching for the remote
3. so indoctrinated to be victims as to be totally worthless in an emergency/survival situation.
But our criminal element; they’re alive and well.
Especially the white collar/political class scum.