The question of why the universe is as it is has always been of great interest to me. So much so, that I wrote a Science Fiction series on this subject. In my book, an average guy is given a revelation by an alien entity. It explains literally everything in a way that could actually be true - how life started on Earth and why, the purpose of evolution and how it really works, and the real reason why humans live in a universe that seems so hostile to life.
The Revelation is not anti-religious, though some religious characters struggle with it in the story. It does take quite a number of shots at ‘settled’ science, however.
I apologize if this post is in poor form, but I think the book fits perfectly in with this discussion. I have not named the book, nor will I offer it for sale here. But I will send it to anyone in .mobi (kindle) format for free if you want it. Just send me a private reply with your email.