did just that...I agreed...he could have made an advance at any time of his choosing long before things escalated.
However, I just can’t see the Right Sector handing over their power any time soon...especially outside the Government where these fights are fought.
Keiv cannot control if things continue as have been with them I wouldn’t doubt if Russia and Kiev actually unite to rid them of the area, once the election is over. For they have served their purpose as the strong arms of the conflict, and the protests.
Poroshenko will udoubtedly be the next Pres. Interesting Putin can and will work with him despite the candy company being shut out of Russia.
I also agree that if Putin does act on the South-East it will be with focus and direct strategic hits. He has so many on the ground there, even long before the Protests, that he knows where everything is when the time comes for any action.
quote—Svoboda dont give up power
So putin will bomb if svoboda has any parliament seats
you people are paranoid, over a bunch that are
a real small minority, and you have a hairy because
they want commies out. Just ignore both.
And as far as cold war it never ended just changed to
different tactics and weapons, energy, economic,
more heavily on propaganda,
quote—Putin does act on the South-East it will be with focus and direct strategic hits.....
geez your making it seem like the 2nd coming,
will he have a horizontal halo, or vertical one..