That is so stupid.
The water from the melting Antarctic ice sheets is down at the bottom of the world. There is no way it can come uphill so far as to be a threat to Washington DC.
The only way that water could flood DC is if someone turned the world upside down and it all flowed down to Washington.
Some people have no scientific knowledge at all. What idiots!
I really hope you’re being sarcastic. LOL
The sad thing is that your theory is as scientifically valid as theirs.
Moochelle jumping in a pool has more risk of a rising water or tsunami than the ice sheets.
they seem to realize that the “average” American....doesnt want to have to deal with details...just emotions...
Post of the day for this thread! Sometimes sarcasm is so good that it does not require a tag!
Unfortunately the GloBull Goreist’s don’t use the /sarc tag on their voodoo science and they need to be tagged where it hurts, with something like OO.
Looking for the sarcasm tag...