Cruz is like Reagan and is rightfully visiting Ukraine, and Rand Paul is a rino.
Paul is liberal on so many issues, gay marriage, abortion, immigration, national defense, voter ID, he is trying to move the GOP into the Romney/Rove positions in a number of areas.
It is no wonder that Paul was a big supporter and campaigner for Mitt Romney.
Ergo, Rand Paul is not a RINO, whereas Romney, Rubio, and Jeb Bush are, since neither Rubio, nor Romney nor Jeb Bush show any propensity for pulling way back on borrow-and-spend.
Jeb Bush, Rubio and Romney all show a propensity for unending military interventionism that would make Oceania look like Pacifists.
Ergo Sum, it is either Cruz or Rand Paul. You have to pick one or the either, otherwise YOU are a RINO, GOP-e. Period. End of story...