Fantastic. Let’s be sure to have a dem congressman just like we now have a dem governor.
Cantor's defeat would send shockwaves throughout the corrupt, fetid political elite establishment.
Fantastic. Lets be sure to have a dem congressman just like we now have a dem governor.
Cuccinelli came very close to winning and if it were not for the likes of turncoats like Bill Bolling and Boyd Marcus, he would have won. Why is it that the conservatives must hold their noses and vote for RINOs? Yet, the RINOs would prefer to lose rather than have a conservative elected?
“Fantastic. Lets be sure to have a dem congressman just like we now have a dem governor.”
A worthless Democrat in that seat is WAY BETTER than a Republican LEADER that is hell-bent on shoving Amnesty down our throats.
And that’s only if the Dem can win in 2012 Cantor won the seat by 17 points.
Virtually no downside...all upside. If Cantor loses it will be ONLY because of Amnesty - and given that, even if Cantor still wants Amnesty before leaving office, he will have a MUCH TOUGHER time getting the needed 16 Republicans to follow him off the cliff, if he is a lame duck.
This could be likened to you burning down your own house because you don’t like the neighborhood.
Sure why not? Or we can have a progressive socialist with an ‘R’ by their name. Take your pick.
If worst comes to worst we can replace him in the general with a demorat who will be flicked like a flee two years hence. The 7th is an extremely conservative district.
I believe Cantor has no dem opposition in the general election. His ONLY opposition is in the primary
People like you are why conservatives lose. There is no Democrat running in the general election, so whoever wins the primary, wins the election. If we can’t get rid of Cantor now, then when?
There's no "dem" on the ballot.
Mr. Cheese Fish-Face could run as a Republican in the 7th VA and win. That's why the RINOs have been runnung the 7th for years, and why they're now being purged in battle after battle. The dems gave up here ages ago and started messing with and infiltrating the Republican party and demoralizing conservatives who didn't know what was really going on.