Fool me once, fool me are going to ruin the United States if we don’t pick an experience President this time around. Walker is the guy. Of course you guys always pick the losers. Didn’t you guys support that Brennon guy in North Carolina....what did that do? Nothing. You cannot pick winners no matter what you do. I guess you want to continue the trend.
He's had a lot of accomplishments, he's a polished debater, he eats the MSM for lunch, and he has a reliable conservative background.
He believes in American excellence, wants to reestablish all that entails, plus he's clearly thoughtful, clearly capable of delegating and getting advice from conservative heavyweights.
It's not just inexperience that defines Barky, it's his background, his total lack of accomplishment in anything in his life along with his Marxist/muzzie beliefs that makes him so evil.
Cruz is going to be formidable, along with several others, so get used to it and stop being so ignorant please.