Very good points.
I hear many churchgoers demanding adherence to the Scriptures in the area of sexual perversion, but in other areas seem unconcerned about what God expects. They demand Hollywood accurately represent the story of Noah, and stick to the facts without substituting manmade ideas, but they won’t demand the same from the pulpit.
And so they get perverts in the pulpit - and then complain about it. But it’s as Hosea said: “like people, like priest”.
So true. And, much of this problem arises from the "organizational" mentality that folks have been sold. The big company makes the decisions, the big company will decide who speaks, what they say, and what you sheeple must believe. Rather than encourage the gatherings to grow up in their understandings of Scripture and Christ, and clean out the groups themselves, they are taught that the "organization" knows best and will appoint the leaders. This is unbiblical nonsense.