Good Article. Read it All. Excellent points made. Both sides will lick our wounds (rinos and Tea) and fight on.
>> Good Article. Read it All. <<
From the comments on this thread, I get the impression that you’re the only one who has indeed read the thing!
Bump. Yes, lessons to be learned from the Tillis win in N.C. Lick wounds, fight on, there are plenty of other ongoing primary fights that should be won (highest probability, not limited to):
Sasse in NE
McDaniel in MS
Carr in TN
A few lessons from N.C. (in no particular order):
a crowded field is bad for the Tea Party candidate (having Harris in the race killed Brannon); other states with this same problem - GA, LA, AK, MT, IA, SD, WV ...
Tea Party candidate profile - recruiting from existing state legislators (who have won a previous state election) is ALWAYS preferable to brand new candidates;
Establishment candidate profile - if the establishment candidate has a track record that can be perceived by this electorate as 'sufficiently' conservative, the hill is almost insurmountable (Tillis had some good accomplishments with the Gov);
Money - a Tea Party candidate has to be self-sustaining or able to raise sufficient money to keep somewhat close to the Rove machine;
Campaign strategy - have a smart experienced group of advisers and don't let the Rove team label you as extreme or fringe.