Nixon did not order or request the break in. John Dean probably did. But of course, after the fact, Nixon covered it up. And I don’t think he covered it up so much for the office break in, but that it might uncover “...the whole Cuban thing...”. It was that quote (or to that effect) that preceded the gap in the tapes. I think it had to do with keeping secret certain parts of our [Kennedy’s] involvement in the Bay of Pigs.
(BTW - the “Pentagon Papers” that Nixon tried to keep from getting released was from Johnson’s previous administration. But instead of using Johnson’s failures to his advantage politically, Nixon chose our National Security as a priority.)
Sorry for the sidetrack. But the liberals have used Nixon, and any hint of a Nixon type cover-up, dirty tricks, etc. to go after conservatives 40+ years later. We need to do the same to them, as you point out.
” - - - We need to do the same to them, as you point out. - - - “
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