Are the Administration and Unions trying to shift subsidies onto the private sector?
The constant push for higher minimum wages, as high as $15, would shift the burden of subsidizing low income and low information people to the private sector.
Government will be praised as heroes while (un) intended consequences would make life worse for those poor subjects who will follow like lemmings down the proverbial cliff.
What they will encounter is to lose eligibility for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and other State and federal programs, leaving them worse off than before. Because of their newly found wealth, they would be classified as the new middle class courtesies of their compassionate Administration. All the while the federal coffers would increase because of cost savings. Many of those enjoying a minimum wage job would actually be taking an income decrease, when you deduct the lost federal subsidies.
The evil Corporations would be blamed for causing this problem for not paying for extra subsistence.
I dont believe that that calculation has not already been made by the Agencies?
This is only my personal opinion and I could be wrong.
excellent question
and the adjunct question to that is how many of the ones currently on welfare will take jobs, even at $10.10?
These people have gamed the system well enough they know they can live a decent life and not have to do minimum wage jobs even if the min wage is over $10.00/ hr
Did you know BTW that not being able to speak English is considered a ‘ disability: and qualifies you for SSDI ( over $700 a month TAX free)
Add in some TANF, SNAP free medical, free school breakfast lunch and snack for your kids and a phone and you are living ok
What me work/ No habla