Going up against the Russian military/intelligence apparatus with Ukraine’s current resources is like David with a broken arm going up against Goliath.
It seems for most new conscripts particularly for the the National Guard, they should train them in guerrilla tactics, create an infrastructure for an underground resistance, and be ready for a partisan insurgency.
I know the East thinks of Bandera as a Nazi, but he was a nationalist ( not socialist ) fighting a partisan war against Stalin’s Soviet Russia. He aligned with Hitler, but if your choice is Hitler or Stalin, who would you pick ( particularly with Stalin wanting to deport ALL Ukrainians and killing mainly through a manufactured starvation about 25% of the population )?
And killing as many Jews as they could get their hands on. Not because they were aligned with the Soviets, but because they were Jews.
Bandera had fewer options than Finland's Mannerheim, who also allied with Hitler. Allying with Stalin was never a choice for Bandera, who would have been executed. (It wasn't a choice for Mannerheim either, for more or less the same reasons - Stalin had a way of murdering large numbers of people who worked for him, whereas Hitler did not). Mannerheim had his own trained and well-equipped military, whereas Bandera did not. Prior to the mass killings (not foreseeable at the start of WWII, when Stalin was by far the bigger mass murderer) Hitler later perpetrated, in the name of becoming the leader of an empire cleansed of its subhuman quotient, he probably seemed far preferable to Stalin.