Slaves of the government is showing it’s ugly face every day. America is nothing more than a communists empire and we are slaves to its corruption. When will Americans realize that government from local to the Feds is corrupted and no longer service to its people. I try not to seem to be anti government because we do need laws but when it resembles a master to slave it bothers me. America is damn near finished and we have nothing to stop it.
You just nailed it down right there. We DO need laws, starting with those protecting PRIVATE PROPERTY rights, which our leaders are sworn to uphold. They have officially switched sides from protector of rights to usurpers and common thieves. It is our DUTY as Americans to oppose this behavior.
Well, we still have something to stop it, but I think they will eventually go door to door and confiscate those too. I just wonder if going Galt on their stupid MoFo a$$es is the next thing to do.