In Fairfax County, VA, half of the real estate tax goes to the schools. Not really so “indirect.” The median house value in the county is $488,900, with a tax rate of $1.090/$100.
Conversely, most of the county’s illegal population lives in subsidized (read: taxpayer subsidized) housing, so the ‘indirect’ payment toward schools does not begin to equal that of a home owner.
“Conversely, most of the countys illegal population lives in subsidized (read: taxpayer subsidized) housing, so the indirect payment toward schools does not begin to equal that of a home owner.”
Here we have the “Dreamer/Amnesty” issue wrapped up in a nutshell. What’s going on in Virginia has nothing whatsoever to do with “Federalism” or upstanding, tax-paying state residents getting what’s owed them.
This is the Democrat party using taxpayer money to buy votes, rule of law and wishes of citizens be damned.