I do not know. But I do know that my enthusiasm for even the couple we have been able to rely on thusfar wanes by the day.
% at most cannot change it from within. It is a fools erand. They need to leave and LEAD, not stay and be minimized by the rest.
People that continue, in light of the last few years, to elect more RINOs deserve the scorn they get. They liberalized the party by accepting liberal Republicans. fortunately many more by the day realize they were wrong and took responsibility by speaking against continuing to do it.
We are not the majority of the supposedly conservative wing. Here on FR and elsewhere. Ignore us and lose.
GRRR...NOW the majority...NOW...
Sorry about that folks.
Yep. Anybody who doesn't understand that the GOP presidential nominee in 2016 is 100 to one going to be a Romney or equally government-go-along "Republican" on board in principle with the entire left agenda, isn't thinking realistically. Plan ahead for it now. Be expecting it.
Americans are ripe for a new party. Not a "third" party, because the GOP and DEM parties are two sides of the same party coin and most folks understand that, but a SECOND party. A NEW party. With LEADERS, politicians who have a DESTINATION of tearing down government tyranny and freeing Americans to live as the Christians they overwhelmingly are.
For what it's worth, many, many Democrats are very much pro 2nd Amendment. It is a major issue that unites Americans and ironically, has the same consequential numbering as the NEW party, actually a 2nd Party for Americans, since Dem/Rep are virtually a uniparty.