“So just because Obama destabilized Syria, Egypt and Libya it means that Obama destabilized Ukraine?”
Remembering what happened when Obama suddenly demanded an attack on Syria is very important to understanding what is going on now in Ukraine, IMHO.
Remember, this isn’t just about some incredibly corrupt, incredibly broke, almost balkanized country, there are far bigger geo-political energy games at play here, as well.
Namely the Russian’s Poland/Ukraine bypass to Europe, the South Stream Project vs. the Saudi-Supported pipeline through Syria that would bring Saudi gas to Europe.
Friday, the Bulgarians announced they were supporting South Stream, over the Saudi project.
Saudi can barely supply their own internal gas demand, and is not likely to do better any time in the forseeable future. Any production they do develop is targeted to internal consumption for power, and their growing petrochemicals (plastics, mainly) industry. They are planning “long term”, and it’s a very smart move on their part, I might add.
That said, other suppliers are coming online, which does play into Syria’s position. But who’s in charge in Kiev has little bearing on alternate gas supplies to Europe.