So - what is his degree IN? Is he willing to work in a job that HE considers beneath him but employers do not? Does he get up before 10? Is he covered with tattoos? Is he slothful?
There are those who have worked hard and, at his same age, have housing, wives, and children. Have lives! The world doesn’t owe this basement-denizen anything. He should pick up his lower lip and get a life.
BINGO! My daughter is an engineering major at a major VA college. She has a small group of friends who are focused on school. All have summer internship jobs lined up with serious wages and benefits. Work/Reward is still available - but it isn’t easy.
College degrees that get handed out like participation trophies in soccer might be good for self esteem, but you know what’s better? A real education and a real job.
Hey, but I bet the kids in the article had lots of fun in college. Best time of their lives...