Sotomayor wouldn’t be on the Court but for Affirmative Action.
Affirmative Action, which liberals LOVE, is a racist policy that rests on the implicit premise that if you’re a minority,you’re not good enough to do it yourself. (No wonder liberals support it fervently.)
It’s what former President Bush called “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
“Affirmative Action, which liberals LOVE, is a racist policy that rests on the implicit premise that if youre a minority,youre not good enough to do it yourself. (No wonder liberals support it fervently.)”
I remember when we had the Bakke decision here in CA where racial set asides were allowing unqualified minorities into the UC David Medical School. This was the ultimate idiocy. We allow an unqualified minority to become an unqualified doctor who then goes back and “treats” his brethren in the hood. How’s that helping the minority community?
Just as a reminder, it was Poppy Bush who put her on this path with her first nomination to a judgeship.
The first Pres. Bush is the one who first nominated her to be a judge.