WaPo had no mention of the usual ground combat units: infantry, armored and artillery.
1 posted on
04/19/2014 11:24:30 AM PDT by
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To: neverdem
Not so good.
But better than sending them to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.
2 posted on
04/19/2014 11:32:13 AM PDT by
Iron Munro
(NSA reports Malaysia Flight 370 black box signals detected in Bermuda Triangle)
To: neverdem
“Poland will breathe a little easier....”
Not only Poland will breathe a little easier but also the rest of the Europukes who will not have to send their troops.
Money saved can be spent on all those social programs like 30-day vacations, etc.
I know, I know, American troops are a tripwire and all that BS.
3 posted on
04/19/2014 11:33:54 AM PDT by
To: neverdem
When do the girly men of Europe - as the EU likes to call itself - take care of their own problems?
Which if they had managed the fall of the Soviet Union correctly, instead of humiliating Russia in the 1990s, would have meant this entire episode and the rise of Putinism would not have happened.
4 posted on
04/19/2014 11:34:35 AM PDT by
To: neverdem
Next the crack JAG corps will be negotiating terms of surrender. At what point will the Army have more JAG officers than Infantry?
To: neverdem
7 posted on
04/19/2014 11:45:04 AM PDT by
((Libertarianism offers the transitory concepts and dialogue to move from conservatism, to liberalism)
To: neverdem
Trip wire, eh, to be slaughtered by invading Russian hordes?
12 posted on
04/19/2014 11:54:40 AM PDT by
Timber Rattler
(Just say NO! to RINOS and the GOP-E)
To: neverdem
Gay, straight, transgendered or all three?
15 posted on
04/19/2014 12:11:26 PM PDT by
(I will raise $2M for Cruz and/or Palin's next run, what will you do?)
To: neverdem
When JFK was starting the Vietnam war, he sent in 16,000 troops, I don’t recall the Wash Post ever calling them “combat troops”.
16 posted on
04/19/2014 12:11:49 PM PDT by
((Libertarianism offers the transitory concepts and dialogue to move from conservatism, to liberalism)
To: neverdem
Meanwhile, gays, lesbians, and transgenders are demanding the honor of being on the front lines when the shooting starts.
18 posted on
04/19/2014 12:15:19 PM PDT by
("Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire)
To: neverdem
If the Bear enters Polish territory, and NATO doesn't shoot back, NATO is finished (along with Poland).
20 posted on
04/19/2014 12:24:59 PM PDT by
M Kehoe
To: neverdem
This is nothing but theater. There is no current threat to Poland.
To: neverdem
Just heard a report that the deployment will be a grand total of...wait for it...150 men in each Estonia and Poland.
35 posted on
04/19/2014 2:48:12 PM PDT by
(The US government now has more control over the people than the old Soviet Union ever dreamed of)
To: neverdem
Poland: An integral part of "New Europe."
36 posted on
04/19/2014 3:32:50 PM PDT by
("It is not the color of his skin, ... it is the blackness that fills his soul")
To: neverdem
I have fun watching the secrecy and misinformation fly. Amazing to watch. Beginning to think some of putin’s butt boys are fishing for information here ... makes me lol.
37 posted on
04/19/2014 3:39:14 PM PDT by
(Scrutinize our government and Secure the Blessing of Freedom and Justice)
To: neverdem
If they are taking this big step, it had better damn well be a credible military presence, and not a few hundred troops to be used for a photo-op and eventual target practice for the Russians.
Not only would it be a slaughter, it would also be a monumental embarrassment, most likely leading us to WWIII. The potential for a modern day ‘Pearl Harbor’ comes to mind.
42 posted on
04/19/2014 6:52:16 PM PDT by
(Department of Homeland Security, Certified - "Right Wing Extremist")
To: neverdem
The Russian Army isn't the Iraqi Army as it was under Saddam. They're a large, modern equipped army with a large air force. God forbid if there were ever a conventional war between them and us. It would be a blood bath and we would take a hell of a pounding.
43 posted on
04/19/2014 7:51:22 PM PDT by
To: neverdem
So Poland is where we draw the line? Where have I heard this before?
44 posted on
04/19/2014 7:53:38 PM PDT by
(Democrats - Opposing Equal Protection since 1828)
To: neverdem
We should not be sending US troops to Poland.
Send some Germans, that should put fat into the fire, for that was the plan when we closed down all those US NATO basis in Germany, the krauts were supposed to fill in for US as needed.
54 posted on
04/21/2014 3:05:03 AM PDT by
(Obama fascism article:(http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/05/barack_obama_the_quintessentia_1.html))
To: Revolting cat!
Why is Obama going to war against Poland?
56 posted on
04/21/2014 6:39:13 AM PDT by
a fool in paradise
(The new witchhunt: "Do you NOW, . . . or have you EVER , . . supported traditional marriage?")
To: neverdem; Allegra; big'ol_freeper; Lil'freeper; shove_it; TrueKnightGalahad; Cincinatus' Wife; ...
US to send combat troops to Poland Just so not one single person doubts my courage and guts, I have sent our finest to Poland... and they are on the way!
Driver? Driver!
How soon do we... get to Warsaw?
Really, Phil, the President must be crazy... to send us way over here!
Look at... this country--
Look... Look!
And you cannot get a signal... worth a damn here either!
So, tell all, far and wide, as far as I am concerned... if the Poles like their country, they can keep their country!
59 posted on
04/23/2014 3:34:25 PM PDT by
("I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon)
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