After the tasing and knock down incidents, if not before, Gov. Sandoval should have ordered all Feds from the area by nightfall and instructed Gillespie to arrest any of them found afterward. The guy would have been a hero and (temporarily) mentioned as a potential candidate for President. Instead, he shuffled his feet.
As for Sheriff Gillespie, hes either a ball-less coward and/or hes been paid off (or threatened)
Were it that simple. The guy came from the Southern Poverty Law Center (Libs on steroids) and is just a lapdog for the Democrats. Las Vegas, knowing all this, still voted him in.
Nevada residents should swarm outside Gillespie’s office (peacefully of course) and demand he kick the Feds out of Nevada should they return.
“Do your job Gillespie!”
Looks like Gillespie will be bunking with Harry Greed in Supermax, after Binky Obamajojo gets unmasked as KGB/STASI.