I don't understand the weird, juvenile schoolyard taunts. Do you go after Mafia kingpins or fight wildfires on a volunteer basis? That's why we pay taxes, so that people we employ with those taxes perform their specified duties. As citizens and the military's paymasters, we collectively decide what those duties ought to be, and this debate is all about what they ought to be doing.
The issue isn't whether you should sign up with Putin's invaders or I should sign up with Ukraine's patriots - it's whether Russian territorial ambitions should be stopped here or much later on, when the costs will be much higher. The lesson of Munich is tumors should be excised before they metastasize.
Problem is...most don’t see where a direct confrontation with Russia doesn’t eventually involve nukes....whether we act now, or later.
Don’t expect that you are conversing with people who have the perspective of history and comprehend the concepts of coercive force and appeasement.
You are dealing with mostly the Alex Jones crowd here who thought the Boston police and federal authorities were much too strong-handed in tracking down some terrorists...
But at the same time think Russia’s land-grab into Crimea and now the follow up operation to have a logistical bridge through Eastern Ukraine is just peachy.
There is some serious useful idiot isolationism and hypocrisy going on here.
Fine. Go poke the bear. No crying from you when radioactive gravel from NYC is raining down on Pennsylvania.