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UKRAINE: antiterrorist operation in eastern Ukraine ^ | 4'`5-2014 30 minutes | Dmitry Tymchuk

Posted on 04/15/2014 4:01:13 AM PDT by

My interview today "Khvylya" on ATO:

Tymchuk "anti-terrorist operation has a serious chance of success"

About the antiterrorist operation in eastern Ukraine on the credentials and security forces that would give the state of emergency says the head of the Center for Military - Political Studies, coordinator of the group "Information Resistance" Dmitry Tymchuk .

- In your opinion , which began in eastern Ukraine terrorist operation will succeed?

- Unfortunately , I'm not Nostradamus . Situation before there was really very bad . Manual security officials tried to determine the extent of local law enforcement authorities loyalty in Donbas , but there seem to be not particularly rely on anyone. Of course, there are patriots and militia of Donetsk . But the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as if no time and opportunity to explore the candidacy of now each of the Rights on the subject of patriotism and responsibility.

On the other hand , the last day still managed to throw the east serious enough forces sufficient for ATO.

We must understand that much depends not only on the amount of effort and money. Ineptly planned operation and unprofessional management can ruin a few hours, even a very substantial resources.

On the other hand, if the operation plan and conduct professionals, that success can be achieved with limited forces. Fortunately, the current ATO by professionals headed by General Krutov. This gives reason to hope for success.

- The media report that the military , law enforcement and intelligence agencies before the current ATO refused to storm the Slavic. Like, this is a criminal order . How such a statement is true ? And why on Independence these same troops much more criminal orders without hesitation performed?

- First, the media greatly exacerbate the situation, presenting it almost as massive sabotage. Such objections by individual heads of departments were really , but this is primarily concerned "local", which I mentioned.

As for the comparison with the Maidan. Indeed, there is against people serving under the flag of Ukraine, operated some of the most law enforcement officers, who now talk about "peaceful citizens" in the Donbass, with arms exciting authorities under the flags of Russia. I hope that over time, the competent authorities will evaluate each of these officials.

But the fact is, and that in fact, until yesterday, April 14, when they signed a presidential decree on the ATO, such as counter-terrorism operation regime de jure was not introduced. Although power and declared that holds ATO. But law enforcement officers need to know exactly in which legal regime they operate and what powers are. Especially because we are talking about possible victims. And after all the events on Independence has shown us that it is imperative that security forces acted solely in the legal field.

Because lustration in the power structures is very much needed. It is absolutely vital. But it is equally important to create challenges law enforcement officers, authorities also acted in the legal field. Otherwise, we will give the cards in the hands of Russia, which is already screaming about the illegitimacy of our current government.

- Why did not the authorities imposed a state of emergency? Obviously, this would simplify the action siloviki?

- Honestly, for me personally, it remains a mystery why the state of emergency has not yet been introduced. The introduction of such a legal regime would dotted the "i" - would give the necessary authority power structures, and at the same time would avoid accusations of Ukrainian authorities in excessive use of force.

Power says it foiled an election. But open the Law of Ukraine "On the legal state of emergency." It involves the introduction of a state of emergency in certain territories. That is, you can declare such territory Donbass, where already the election in jeopardy. Someone can not imagine how in the current situation there to provide polling stations work? I personally like that idea. On the contrary, it is tough and effective action now allowed to talk about the possibility of holding elections in the region in late May.

Especially because the minimum time the state of emergency in no way limited. Had time for three days -no problem, "Colorados" dispersed and tied siloviki folded, and the region returned to civilian life.

The only side effect - the law the term of office of local elected authorities extended the duration of the emergency. But in the case of the presidential election, we would have experienced it.

- That is the Ukrainian government does not take action, the need for which is obvious?

- I do not want to criticize the government these conditions. I say I do not understand her actions. It's not just about the incident - I do not know much else.

For example, some appointments. Well, can not in fact in a military context to high positions go purely political appointees. Who should work professionals, if we really want to save Ukraine . Case referred to the appointment of General Krutova indicate that our leadership is finally beginning to understand. And it's reassuring.

Anna SHumakova for "Khvylya"

Here is the link:

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Russia
KEYWORDS: ukrainefreedom

1 posted on 04/15/2014 4:01:13 AM PDT by
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Dmitry Tymchuk Info: On the situation in the eastern regions for 9.00 at the moment in the Donetsk oblast, focused efforts and resources necessary for carrying out the anti-terrorist operation (ATO), the decree signed yesterday by Acting President of Ukraine a. Turchinov.

In the area of operations since yesterday evening works guide ATO. The priorities identified, developed and started to implement the plan.

The plan was given the first priority to avoid civilian casualties. Although, given the broad involvement of local separatists shares (”ideological” and “purchased”), it is impossible to give such guarantees.

In the area of the operation profit emissaries of “IP”. However, at the time of the operation, mobile and radio communications in the area it will be blocked.

According to the information of the resistance “, separatist leaders have received from their Russian coordinators orientation on the repetition of” Donetsk “script (if successful) in neighboring regions. Even now there are attempts to infiltrate extremist groups from Donetsk in the neighboring area. These attempts are prevented by local law enforcement and local self-defense forces.

In the border regions of Ukraine strengthened regime of the State border with Russia. Here the same parts and units of the armed forces of Ukraine built a band of defense, met the engineering tasks, a layered defense system.

Part of the Ukrainian armed forces are on full alert.

2 posted on 04/15/2014 4:06:30 AM PDT by
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ANALYSIS (Military aps at URL)

April 15, 2014

Putin wants to hold in Slavic “Stalingrad”

While the Ukrainian security officials “phased and balanced” launch anti-terror operation in the Donetsk region, Putin saboteurs supported by local terrorists strengthen defenses around Slavic , making provincial city depressive Donbass impregnable outpost “in Donetsk republic”

From the information received from the occupied Slavic, clear that the city is completely under the control of the Russian military, which is the main striking force, equips and operates local outcasts and criminals . Entrance to the Slavic surrounded by roadblocks with people well experienced armed soldiers, most of whom came from the Crimea to the Donbas . Mined bridges, captured airfield. In the published SSU intercept conversations separatists comes to arming local terrorists antitank weapons.

Failure to Sunday antiterrorist operation SBU showed that the city is well protected and neutralize terrorists hastily fail. At the same time, Russia continues to official vidhreschuvatysya of its own military presence in the Donbas, and separatists were instructed to fight under the banner of “People’s Republic of Donetsk” instead of the Russian tricolor. At the same time, the Kremlin, including the mouth Yanukovych declares Ukraine at the beginning of “civil war.”

According to Putin’s plan until Ukraine rozkachuyetsya and think whether or not you should use hard power against terrorists Slovyansk efforts to “green men” turns into a fortified outpost. Local security officials involved bribery and intimidation on their side, any disagreement with the separatists brutally suppressed, objective journalists working in every way as zalyakuyutsya. To share separatists involved to the maximum fooled propaganda about high salaries Russian locals, including women with children as human shields.

As a result 120000th Slovyansk dismiss out of hand the terrorists Ukraine could only full-scale military assault that grow into street fighting. Avoided in this case, civilian casualties, massive destruction of infrastructure and thousands of refugees will be almost impossible. Slovyansk turn into Ukrainian Terrible.

In this case, playing on Putin. The longer the operation will be prepared in Slavic, the more force will focus in the Kremlin and the more blood will result in confrontation.

As the burning Slavic Putin receives drives or to enter the East Ukraine “Russian peacekeepers” to protect the Russian-speaking population, and will require crisis management plan as federalization of Ukraine, Kyiv under which almost get rid of the ability to control the East. In any case, the Kremlin will get near its western borders a huge “gray zone” of semi-criminal power, destroyed infrastructure and demoralized people. Then talk about Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO would be somewhat inappropriate.

3 posted on 04/15/2014 4:17:03 AM PDT by
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I suspect that Putin will do whatever it takes to keep the Donetsk region out of NATO's hands. Aside from the vital Russian land bridge to the Black Sea that eastern Ukraine represents to Russia, Donetsk itself is a strategic manufacturing center for the Russian military and therefore a vital interest for Moscow. Whether the West is foolish enough to go to war over it or not, it is a must-keep for Russia in the wake of February's pro-Western coup in Kiev. Like Crimea, eastern Ukraine is a whole lot more important to Russia than it is to the West, and that is a key measure of will.

That said, I am not sure that it is presently in Moscow's best interest to occupy eastern Ukraine -- something the Russians can do anytime they choose. Instead, Putin might choose to exploit Ukraine's inherent political instability and leave the large blocs of pro-Russian voters within Ukraine's borders to maintain the Kiev regime's political divisions and weakness. We will see, but this is a chess game and it is being played on Russia's board.

4 posted on 04/15/2014 5:57:59 AM PDT by Always A Marine
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