Nanny State PING!
They keep shoving their tyrannical, control freak ways and all it does is p.o. people more and more. At some point very soon the dam is going to break and the District of Criminals won’t know what hit them.
Much of the work has been done on this. Before Thanksgiving I overheard a 30 something couple in the grocery store. She asked “How do you make gravy?” He responded with, “You take the juices from your roast...” She interrupted with, “You mean the blood?”
Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide - Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? By Timothy Ball
No Smoking Hot Spot (The Australian)
Those two articles take Greenhouse Theory at face value and by the criterion set up in the theory itself finds no evidence of warming on the basis of greenhouse effect.
Sky-high hole blown in AGW theory?
"Forbes reports on a peer-reviewed study that uses NASA data to show that the effects of carbon-based warming have been significantly exaggerated. In fact, much of the heat goes out into space rather than stay trapped in the atmosphere, an outcome that started long before AGW alarmists predicted:"
That article explains why no Hot Spot has been found.
The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse Theory
Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics
Harvard astrophysicist dismisses AGW theory, challenges peers to 'take back climate science'
It Is Impossible For A 100 ppm Increase In Atmospheric CO2 Concentration To Cause Global Warming
Simple Chemistry and the Real Greenhouse Effect.
Those five articles each show that Greenhouse Theory has no basis in reality due to a direct conflict with the known laws of physics. No wonder the smoking gun "hotspot" can't be found.
Claim That Sea Level Is Rising Is a Total Fraud
That article kills any thought of planetary warming from any cause. Think about it. If there is absolutely no sign of rising sea levels how could the planet be warming? The rise in sea level in the last 100 years is far less than the average over the last 40,000 years caused by the inter-glacial period we are in.
Let's hear it for Moochie D's!!
Libs say it’s a woman’s body if they want to suck a baby out of the womb. Then they want to tell me what I can put into my body?
don’t vegan diets rely on huge amounts of water, electricity, fossil fuel and fertilizer to produce the same calories and nutrients a good steak provides?
And this is what I believe it is all about in Nevada. Just this. Nothing more.
Global warming, etc etc etc. Yada yada.
I love news like this. Any time someone tries to pressure free people into going vegan, I have a bacon double cheeseburger to celebrate freedom.