You have no idea what you are talking about. When oil comes up from a well, it is often mixed with natural gas. That gas is usually too dilute to be used effectively. That’s the excess gas in ND that you are talking about. There is no known way to make this gas economically feasible to use or sell, and you best believe that a lot of time, money and brains has worked on the problem.
Gas prices are low in the US because of the export ban. If the ban is lifted, prices will trend upwards towards global norms, which will hurt energy intensive industries and increase heating and electrical bills for American homes and businesses.
America does not have vastly more fossil fuels than Saudi Arabia or Russia. Persian Gulf oil in particular is low cost to produce and high quality, whereas the recently obtained oil in the US is higher cost and lower quality on average.
Please, learn something about the energy industry and markets before you make absurd statements.
This is one of those moments where the anonymity of the internet is just hilarious.