Our government schools are a single-payer, compulsory-use, SOCIALIST entitlement! Nothing good can come from that. It only took one to three generations of government SOCIALIST schooling to give the nation Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. And....with each generation it gets worse.
And...Nearly every teacher in this nation was trained by **godless** Marxists in Marxist run colleges of education.
So!.....While conservatives run around like flies with their wings pulled off chasing the political or educational issue of the day ( Common Core is just the latest) , the Communists LAUGH! ( They have the kids.)
Our nation is DOOMED unless these government SOCIALIST schools are completely shut down and conservatives work like crazy to see that every child in this nation has access to a conservative education.
( Yeah! I am shouting, jumping up and down, and having a fit. I am both alarmed and exasperated with conservatives who neither see the problem or even understand that government schools are SOCIALIST SINGLE PAYER SCHOOLS and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN!)