To: Eddie01
Bush 43 was a socialist.
No. His family is cozy with the One World Government crowd, but not Socialist. Bush falls into the same trap all big money, high power people do. They don't use their heads as much as they should.
And just what political system does Bush’s One Order crowd promote, if it ain’t socialism or communism? Democracy?? lol
116 posted on
04/14/2014 3:36:22 AM PDT by
("Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God " ~Thomas Jefferson)
Bush 43's grandfather
(note that American International Corporation was formed in 1915 to fund the Bolsheviks, supplanting the prior funding provided by Jacob Schiff.)
The Bushes have long been money managers and agents of the financial elites.
from Wikipedia...
George Herbert Walker
"In 1900, he started a banking and investment firm named G.H. Walker & Co.[1] His family had developed many international banking contacts, and he helped organize the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Walker was known as the power behind the local Democratic Party.
In 1920, Walker became the President of the W.A. Harriman & Co. investment firm, and quickly arranged the credits that Averell Harriman needed to take control of the Hamburg-Amerika Line. Walker also organized the American Ship and Commerce Corp. to be subsidiary of the W.A. Harriman & Co., with contractual power over the affairs of the Hamburg-Amerika. W.A. Harriman & Co. (renamed Harriman Brothers & Company in 1927) well-positioned for this enterprise and rich in assets from their German and Russian business, merged with the British-American investment house Brown Bros. & Co. on January 1, 1931. Walker retired to his own G.H. Walker & Co. This left the Harriman brothers, his son-in-law Prescott Bush and Thatcher M. Brown as senior partners of the new firm of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. The firm's London branch continued operating under its historic name Brown, Shipley & Co.
Walker was a director of the W.A. Harriman & Company; Harriman Fifteen, American International Corporation; Georgian Manganese Corporation; Barnsdall Corporation; American Ship & Commerce Corporation; Union Banking Corporation; G.H. Walker & Company; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Laclede Gas and the New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railroad."
Walker's son-in-law, Prescott Bush, was a partner at Brown Brothers Harriman.
W. Averell Harriman is worth a look at, having been a key member of the Wall Street-Soviet nexus.
131 posted on
04/14/2014 7:53:16 AM PDT by
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