Posted on 04/12/2014 10:25:02 PM PDT by kingattax
T.S.A. Says Airport Security Officers Can Unionize(2011)
W Bush’s creation of DHS-the gift that keeps giving
T.S.A. Says Airport Security Officers Can Unionize(2011)
W Bush’s creation of DHS-the gift that keeps giving
Stay out of the Bushes.
I voted for Romney because I knew that Obama was a stone cold Marxist, and Marxists are bad for everyone and everything. Did Romney tell me Obama was a Marxist? No, that would be mean and purist. Romney, as well as all the other moderates and liberal relativists in the GOP offer nothing to counter the Matrix world of lazy selfishness and victimhood. All of them are seen as playing a hopeless game of catch-up to the liberal culture, when instead they should be offering the red pill, and calling for the destruction of the Matrix because it is evil.
Sorry for belaboring the Matrix analogy.
Besides, I did what you did before, voted for Romney, and still got the sum of all our fears, Obama.
The 'party didn't do well' because it was shafting its conservative nominee who lost by only 360,000 votes. In a campaign run by the same people who got him the nomination, Simon could have won.
So, who is your preferred nominee to beat Hillary?
Jeb Bush does like Hillary Clinton and has spent more time with her than he has the Tea Party.
Why would any sane person vote for this guy?
It’s early yet, I don’t have one. I will say I’m not super impressed by anyone so far.
I would vote for Nancy Pelosi before I would vote for Jeb Bush.
And I would vote for Nancy Pelosi right before hell froze over... if that gives any hint about how I feel about Jeb Bush ...
“W Bushs creation of DHS-the gift that keeps giving”
He did many things wrong, but this horrid invention tops the list.
Vote Conservative at any level office. The appeasing RINOS are not an alternative.
Jeb's assinine "act of love" comment is as damaging to him as Perry's "you don't have a heart" comment.
Jeb and Perry sneered at voters----suggesting they were superior....that the rest of us just fell off a turnip truck.
Such stupidity in a candidate---not realizing the collateral effect of their words---can never be forgiven.
A list of known "Acts of Love:"
<><> acting as agents of foreign governments,
<><> membership in radical America-hating organizations planning armed conflict to takeover the American SW,
<><> using stolen How many Social Security numbers,
<><> cashing multiple US govt checks,
<><> engaging in voter fraud to solidify Third World power on Us soil,
<><> voting under several identities,
<><> encouraging illegals to vote using multiple identities,
<><> using multiple identities to get US govt freebies,
<><> pocketing welfare, food stamps, EITC refunds, SSI, free medical care, Section 8 housing, UI, Workmen's comp under several identities?
<><> receiving hefty SS checks by claiming "asylum"
<><> falsifying apps to get fraudulent sub-prime mortgages,
<><> making false claims on IRS forms in order to get multiple EITC refunds?
<><> using illegal driver's license,
<><> wire-transferring money back to Mexico; the Third World,
<><> having offshore accounts under multiple identities,
<><> cashing multiple govt checks under several identities in these categories:
UI, SSI, Workmen's Comp,
TANF (temporary assistance to needy families),
WICS (food assistance),
subsidized Section 8 shelter,
ObamaPhone subsidies,
Utility Assistance subsidies,
School breakfasts/lunches/snacks subsidies,
$5000 a year EITC checks per identity.
Here's some more "acts of love" by illegals:
<><> A Miami paper reported that cargo flights carried millions of US greenbacks in suitcases, port cargo containers, and money bags, from Mexico to Texas, and then to Miami Intl Airport, on a routine schedule.
From there, authorities say, the money was laundered by two Mexican businessmen through a Miami-Dade check-cashing company that used the dollars to cash the payroll checks of undocumented workers at local supermarkets.
It was all part of a Mexican-Miami bulk-cash network that federal agents say may be funded by drug profits south of the US border.
The culprits--Martin Diaz and Enrique Guerra--arrested earlier this month, appeared before a federal magistrate on charges of conspiring to launder US dollars for the purpose of harboring illegal aliens in this country. (Excerpt) Read more at ...
<><> THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC'S IRON GRIP ON AMERICA'S POLITICAL/ELECTORAL SYSTEM--its greedy tentacles surface in every facet of US power centers.
LYING-IN-WAIT Neutral Dominican Republic travel brochures recount how the cunning Dominican govt survives on billions of our tax dollars which its illegal residents located here send back home---all of them riding the US gravy train.
The do-nothing Caribbean Third World satrap is teeming with poverty. The do-nothing Dominican govt provides no social safety nets for needy citizenry. The connivers work the US system---quietly and secretly lying-in-wait---to maximize its iron grip on America's power centers.
From a Dominican Republic travel brochur the D/R is a Caribbean nation notorious for corrupt governments and strong- arm dictators. Despite US politicans' fondness for the "amenities" at its posh resorts and celebrities relaxing at posh villas spending big bucks there, the DR has no safety net or state-sponsored job creation for its largely impoverished citizenry.
<><> The one million Dominican citizens currently living illegally in the US send home about a billion US dollars annually---which is considered by the corrupt do-nothing DR govt to be a major source of state revenue. A steady exodus leaves for US shores (lured by the endless US gravy train).
<><> US newspapers report Dominican Republic illegals here get EBT cards then ship the food to the D/R where their relatives sell the food on the street.
<><> A US post office near the Mexican border was used by illegals to send gravy train money back home. It was so busy, the US govt had to add-on several trailers to handle the business.
<><> An illegal who was saved from drowning in a submerged car is suing (1) the first responders who risked their lives to rescue him....and (2) the municipal govt for "letting him" cross an unsafe bridge. He is bring repped by latino lawyer, Eduardo Ferszt.
Also the Federal government takeover of the schools, No Child Left Behind, which overturned one of Reagan's core principles: local control of schools.
So you are going to be a fundraiser for......?
Or, is it easier to be the “ victim” of the eeeeeeeevil Karl Rove?
Speaking of victimhood....
What naivete you express. H..W. was born and bred in the Rockefeller wing of the Grand Ole Plantation.
We really need to stop connecting “Rockefeller” with the Republicans. The family may have been Republicans at one time but Jay Rockefeller is a Democrat.
Neither Bush president were socialist but they sure as hell werent conservatives.
I’d call them “Big Government Socialist-lite.” Thanks to the last two Socialist-lite candidates offered up by the GOPe (McCain and Romney) we’ve had nearly six years of Neo-Marxist Thugocracy.
The GOPe answer is to run another Socialist-lite.
He went too far in the grandiosity of defending illegals... and not far enough in defending American citizens. He's off my list forever unless he wakes up and apologizes to all of us who have made this country our home. Jeb's position is disgraceful - this country is NOT his private estate to 'give away'...
Would have been better to read:
'(Mention of Bush) Draws Boos From Conservatives'
Rather than:
"Bush draws boos from conservatives".
Basic grammatical skills on the part of the media these days seem to be in decline with each passing year. One would think they would be improving, given this 'age of the Internet' we're in, with nearly everyone likely reading more than they ever have.
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