There is another way to look at this, though.
WE have awoken. I am frankly surprised by all the volunteers and protesters who flocked to Bundy’s aid. Some folks, a big group of bikers from Tennessee, are still on their way!
I think the gun grabbers started it, and the wake up call happened in Colorado with the recall elections, and then in Connecticut with people NOT complying with their tyrannical decrees.
Now I’m hearing from people everywhere how pissed off they are at the FedGov sending 200 SWAT cladded agents to deal with ONE rancher.
People are angry, and it seems to me now is not the time to let up, but channel that anger into something substantial, like we demand the rollback of FedGov, the 10’s of thousands of arms carrying FedGov agents, the militarization of the police in this country, and the blatant political IRS abuses, and of course nobodies favorite, Obamacare. Let’s turn this protest spirit into political action.
I’m sincerely proud of our activist conservatives right now.
True, you can get a 1,000 to show up today. But maybe not Wednesday.
But your stand is a true one. We must stand up to the militarization of the federal government against its own citizens. We need to be ready to do that anywhere and we need to be connected.
Prepper Festival, New castle, Va this upcoming weekend.