It blows my mind that self-proclaimed "scientific" people post on a religious thread while rejecting the presumptions of the religion. And then do so in a way that ignores the subtleties of the issue while projecting their own limited understanding on the thread. As if that's not enough, they then use it to try to justify unrelated contentious issues by piling them in as so-called examples of their first illogical presumption.
But then sophmoric people, by definition, don't know they're sophmoric.
Yeah, ok.
It’s still really stupid people looking at completely naturally-recurring phenomenon and pretending like God is sending them a message.
Spoiler alert: God isn’t talking to you through this stuff. Just like a solar eclipse isn’t a dragon eating the Sun and spitting it out, or a volcano isn’t a goddess angry that you didn’t sacrifice enough virgins.
Have a little more respect for the guy. Subtlety isn’t what he is known for.