One additional question rarestia, please. If one does not do anything online other than browse, visit this site of FR and send emails to family from one email site ... from all can gleam that individual is basically safe and may not even need to change their passwords? Is that statement / question an affirmative or am I misreading the information?
Remember that SSL is used to mask your traffic. Since sites like FR, FoxNews, Drudge, etc. don’t use SSL (http vs https), then you really have little with which to be concerned.
Anywhere that sensitive data is passed, anywhere a password is required, anywhere that personally identifiable information is presented to an entity outside of your circle of trust, you SHOULD be using SSL or your data could be compromised.
So to answer your question, are you safe? Sure, you’re safe insomuch as insecure traffic isn’t affected by this data breach. If, however, you are reading your email on a site that does not use SSL or logging into a site, such as FR, where your login is not protected by SSL, then you’re passing all of your credentials and data to that server in clear text which can be read by anyone. Food for thought.