Please be fair. It was more than 5 minutes. When he received the call from the man who brought his book up (oh what a surprise when these people get through) it was 1:29 EST. I got out of my car and entered my home. Booted up the computer, went to on-line streaming and he was still on the book. Time was 1:43 EST and he continued on.
He is wasting precious time that could be spent dealing with the likes of Holder and Obama.
How many times does it have to be said? The Dems own the media and we have only a precious few outlets. If he wants to sell books he can do so like any other person sells a book. Why waste show time on an infomercial? Is Rush that insecure that he constantly has to use his show to promote his books and invite people to vote for him as author of the year? Please.
A few more years of Obama, Holder and weak-kneed Republicans and there will not be a country left for our children.
I understand your urgency.
you would bitch if they hung ya with a new rope