Strange news day, notwithstanding some bad news as usual, there’s actually a few good news stories today.
All talk, no action. Krauthammer was right the other day, the administration has run out the clock on any Benghazi outrage, and they'll do the same here.
This is smoke and mirrors. To the morons who voted for Obama, Holder is a hero for telling off congress, and the Republicans are engaged in a groundless witch hunt. I don't think this is swaying any opinions.
I'll get excited when they jail the AG, not some low level retired patsy like Lois Lerner, and they are a long, long way from jailing her, let alone anybody important.
Holder is on the way out, he doesn't give a rat's rear end what the House does. He'll stall, like he's done on Fast and Furious, and like with Benghazi, the press will yawn, and nothing will happen.
On his way out the door, Obama will issue pardons left, right and center, and whoever is in what is left of the White House, Rat or Rino, will claim with a dignified tone that what's in the past should stay there and there will be no justice for what's been allowed to happen.
I'd love to be wrong, but I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen.