Elections no longer determine who will represent a once sovereign people. With every cycle, elections increasingly determine who will force obedience. After every outright assault on our constitution, shortly after the dust settles, America with rare exception quietly accepts the new normal.
Bravo Zulu! After considering your post, Im at a loss for adequate comment. Accepting a new & improved normal especially rings true. US dont so much move onward & upward as slide into some slime from whence we never came.
Ben Stein infrequently gets it. Maybe he has finally jumped off the fence. I hope so, he is a smart guy after all. His desire to be viewed as a temperate (rather than intemperate) commentator flawed his thinking many times in the past.
Ben, please don’t “walk it back” after you are attacked for your statements. Tell them (the DNC media), “I have a right to not care if you disagree”.
Or not.