I have that same question about Rand and abortion, there is no smoking gun yet, but I can’t help but feel that he might not really be so pro-life as he claims.
Rand grew up with politics and seeing his father try to woo conservatives and republicans, and like many libertarians here, he knows that he can’t be seen as weak on that issue and still expect to have a platform to promote the rest of the social liberal agenda of the libertarians to the conservatives that he wants to convert to social liberalism.
Politicians who aren’t truly social conservative, are always the weakest.
You are delusional. He has a 100% rating from the national right to life committee.
And his position on gay marriage never changed. He always said that it should be left to the states because regulating marriage is not one of the powers granted to the federal government.
You are just making stuff up. He was never in any way associated with the libertarian party either.