Jeb is more qualified than Hitlery, but frankly I am tired of the Bush and Clinton families.
The Bush family needs to go away for ever. Jeb will be the choice of the GOPe and MAY be nominated though he stands an almost zero chance of being elected.
But ushering in Armageddon? Please. That’s silly.
In 1995, the Democratic Socialists of America took control of the AFL-CIO, and thus control of the Democrat party.
The Democrat party is now a Marxist “party”—i.e., a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. Constitution. I.e., it is NOT a political party in the traditional sense, just as the Communist Party in any one-party state is not a true political party.
Any Republican who refuses to declare publicly that the Democrat party is a criminal conspiracy that has placed an illegal alien in the White House is a trimmer, a coward, a
wimp. There should be UNANIMITY on this point from all Republican candidates for Senate, House, and the Presidency.
Some “Republicans” are not merely wimps, or “moderates,” but are fully committed to the same goals as the Communist conspirators. Namely, Jeb Bush, the murderer of Terri Schiavo, supporter of overwhelming the U.S. Constitution with open borders and amnesty, of totalitarian rule by the federal government.
Jeb Bush does not want to get rid of Obamacare either...