We live within the constraints of time and long term planning will put limits upon the sustainability of autonomous culture. Autonomy has heretofore been a reaction to excessive control and tends towards a backlash of over indulgence when freedom arises. The tendency towards hedonism and short term thinking will iron itself out as the mental requirements for a free being are better learned and applied.
>>Its that heteronomy has deliberately raised autonomy above its station in order to smash patronomy and now theonomy, and now we have an autonomous culture. But rest assured, tyranny follows, because autonomous culture is unsustainable.
You sure have a lot of... FAITH... in the global electronic network.
You obviously believe the Draper/White nonsense and that the... SAVIOR OF MANKIND... is the Internet.
I’m with lepton. You haven’t really interacted with - or understood - many humans.
What do they treat Asperger’s with these days, anyway?
Remember in your predicting, that though man prefers liberty, he is much more disposed, historically, to tyranny, by about a 95% margin.