A family, who is down and out....wrote that they can barely afford to keep their pet dog....and were thinking about bringing it to a shelter after the shock of the extra tax on their vet bill.
What next, Hussein?
The time may come when a necessary script be written, or worse.
The premiums on my dogs’ health insurance just went up.
Obama hates dogs.
I just had my little pooch groomed at PetSmart and the price went up about $8 on the Top Dog fee.
Yes, that is true. Some medicine that we had given to one of our cats jumped 10 fold in less than two months.
You had better keep on good terms with your vet ... especially when you find out he/she is the only “Doctor” that will take your “CommieCare” insurance (Medicaid/Medicare/Tricare clients take special notice”.
Many of our drugs have skyrocketed in price. We are not talking a moderate increase, we are talking astronomical. One antibiotic that cost $.04/pill is costing us now $6 to $10.00/pill. Many of our drugs have been just dropped due to production costs. Our practice insurance is the same as physicians for liability and malpractice and is going up logarithmically. Much of our equipment is same as the human side and its going up accordingly. To stay profitable we have to increase our prices and charge accordingly for those things that we can offer our patients. I’ve been in veterinary medicine since 1974 and its economically as bad as I’ve ever seen.
I got more than one dog who’s on medicine, I found this out last year.
Raise my taxes, but mess with my Dog, it might get ugly.
Oh great-just what everyone needs-higher vet bills on top of everything else.