Citizen soldiers sacrifice their lives so we can live as Free men, what more can you ask of a man. Being a Free man is a principle. Therefore, it is not too much to ask a military man to sacrifice a higher pension return for a principle. I think you miss the impact of a mass resignation by the JCS even on these clowns currently in office. In fact, this current group of imbeciles would be more fearful of the negative impact occasioned by a mass JCS resignation than would a real leader-who by the way would never place a man in the position of having to sacrifice his lively hood to obey a principle. Tradition said that the Roman Brutus, when shown his sons were traitors to Rome Brutus ordered the death of his own sons. I know what I say is hard, I have a family to support and thus consider; I worked long and hard and fortunately never had to face such a choice. It can be and should be done.
We totally disagree on the impact of such an action. I don’t think they’d care in the slightest, and I think the press would demonize the resigning officers as being “hatemongers” for months to come. By the time the press was done, average Americans would think GEN Odierno was the angriest, most hateful man who ever put on a uniform. GEN Obamalackey would be his new replacement, and things would get real interesting.