It will take that hot cup of coffee better known as “reality” to give them a good wake up call.
They are probably the first generation to be completely submerged in government propaganda education from kindergarten through college.....and to a large extent raised in single parent homes, or homes in which both parents were not fully engaged in their raising and supervision.
Millennials in the Workplace Training Video
Undoubtedly millenialism it is a learning disability with roots in the legal application of a host of pharmaceuticals.
I live in stoner central — Colorado.
Mary Wanna
I teach some millennials in a senior/grad comm theory course. ( That’s as in EE Comm theory, not the lib pablum perped in the marshmallow major side.).
They are motivated, sharp, and will do well. Since I am not a smarmy lib, we do not mention the inferior art of politics..we talk math and physics...but I know most, if not all, are not libs.
After all, they have demonstrated mental abilities far, far above those of the West Wing.
This is why I am for Rand paul. He is the only republican candidate who can attract morons.
Humans: The only species to bypass natural selection...
When stupid people breed, what’s to be expected?
In terms of the thread title, had to happen eventually.
These damn kids today, why, back in my day things weren’t like that. I don’t know what the world’s coming to, blah, blah, blah....
\same rant heard for centuries
Millenials are the downstream result of the leadership
vaccuum created by the Baby Boom generation in the 80’s and the 90’s.