Well you know, I’m not jumping on the CNN “UFO/Bermuda Triangle” theory bandwagon, as the most logical and likely fate would be crashing into the ocean. But what are the odds, given all the technology that’s been brought to bear, that after 20 days there isn’t one single piece of debris?
And I’ll say again, when some very credible military experts with deep and covert connections said it was in Pakistan, that did not deserve to be treated with the same disdain as the crackpot theories on CNN.
The plane is somewhere. And so far the only proof we have that’s it’s in the Indian Ocean is the word of the leader of an Islamic county that has obfuscated and mishandled this whole affair from the get-go.
Has He made anymore statements, since they told the Family it was in the Ocean?
High. The region is enormous with little in the way of human activity.
Not correct. Data from the British company Inmarsat is what indicated the crash site as being in the South Indian Ocean.
Excellent statement, and very well put.
Actually no ... it’s from the engineers at Inmarsat and the AAIB (UK Air Accidents Investigation Board).